Animated Logo – Where to Use?

Just like you wouldn’t use a hammer to take a screw out of a wooden plank, why would you use an unsuitable design to promote your business?

Since the advent of animated logo designs, there are many organizations that have adopted this technique to suit their various branding needs. Some have used it to stand out from the crowd, whereas others have used it without thinking about the need – rather going with the flow. 

If your competitor is doing it, you shouldn’t always do it. The underlying reason is ‘Differentiation’. You want to stay ahead of the curve and be technologically-forward but, you don’t want to be a copycat.

 When it comes to an animated logo design you have a great many options available in terms of differentiating your designs from that of your competitors. Even the slightest of change could amount up to a huge difference in terms of how your designs are to be perceived by your viewers. 

Even with the number of options available to you, you shouldn’t be throwing in animations without thinking about the consequences. For example, if you are a fruit vendor then it’s probably not the best idea for you but, if you are a technologically forward vendor – with screens at your outlet than perhaps an animated logo could be displayed there. 

Apart from using your logo for your branding purposes you can also use it for your internal morale boost and/or presentations to a great impact. Imagine calling in your investors and proposing a fresh new idea after you show them an animated logo for your business. 

Remember that to display a logo that is animated you would need to use screens or 3D projections to show the design adequately. If your outlet or marketing does not include such technological channels than having a designer create an animated logo for your business is a waste. 

Lastly, use a professional design agency to create your designs to ensure that excellent brand is created that serves your marketing purposes and is associated  with your business in the overall picture.


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